November Create a look Look Card Game Competition!
Photo Courtesy of Return Design and Tim Ferguson
Many incredibly talented Look Look card aficionados have created some extremely creative games since Look Look Cards came into existence. This November Kestrel Education is sponsoring a Design a Game challenge.
First place will win a year membership to Kestrel and the super rare Full Collectors edition Box including every card that exists! Your game will be listed on our website with your name.
Second and Third will receive the Collectors edition Box with every card that exists! Your game will be listed on our website with your name.
See the rules below.
- Write up and document a unique game different than either one listed on our site
- Send it by email to
- You will be judged on playability, biological accuracy (would a whale ever eat a beaver?), and creativity
- You may work together as a team; however the prizes will be split amongst team members
- All entries must be received by November 30th; Winners will be announced on December 18th