Homeschool mornings: Track finders

A class for learning and practicing the skills of tracking and trailing wildlife by prints and signs. We will begin with nature journaling techniques and a daily “sit spot” routine for slowing down and noticing our surroundings. Each morning, instructors will present a new skill, and then we will will go out onto the trails to practice it. In our tracking practice, we will regard all animal tracks and sign as equally valuable: from dogs and squirrels to coyotes and fishers. Tracking includes observation and analysis of not only footprints, but all clues left behind by our local creatures. We will be looking for prints, feeding sign, bedding, burrows, nests, and clues to drama between animals.

We will use simple observation, journals, rubber track models and more advanced tools such as plaster casting of what we find, and placing and monitoring a track tunnel and trail cameras. We record whatever we find and share back during our daily closing circle. The practice of tracking teaches excellent scientific process, along with nature connection.

This class, like all Kestrel programs, centers our students and they will be sharing their stories, observations, and ideas as a crucial piece of the learning process. Rather than adult driven content and predetermined outcomes, our classes involve experienced mentors facilitating an organic process of learning directly from the land and its wildlife, with each day’s outcome determined by the wild inhabitants and childrens’ curiosity.

Who: Homeschool students ages 6-13. Students under age seven must be accompanied by an adult. (We may divide into groups by age)

When: Six Mondays October 14th to November 18th, from 10am-12:30pm

Where: We will meet at the School Street Wilderness area of Manchester, by permission from Manchester- Essex Conservation Trust.

Adult Guides: Instructed by Jessica and Nick

Price: $200 for six weeks

How to Sign Up: Pay Here AND Fill out an enrollment form here

NOTE: You will not be enrolled in the class unless we receive both a payment (or fee waiver request) No child can be dropped off until we have all the needed information.