Meet The Team: staff and board
Kestrel is a collaborative learning community. Staff at all levels contribute original ideas, knowledge, and suggestions to help guide the organization. We plan together, work together, and connect with the natural world together. We pay fair wages and provide excellent training to qualified instructors.
Jessica Kagle, Founder & Program Director
Jessica holds a master’s degree from Harvard Graduate School of Education, and has a lifelong passion for playing in the woods. She has over 20 years of experience as a professional naturalist and educator, and a great love for the wildlife and lands of New England. She is also a certified K-8 science teacher with several years of classroom teaching experience in both public and independent schools. Jessica teaches primarily through asking children to design creations based on real experiences, and by encouraging them to be silly, adventurous, and muddy. She loves nothing more than educating people through relationships with wildlife. Jessica can often be found bicycling around New England or standing out in the rain watching frogs and salamanders. Jessica is certified in Wilderness First Aid, CPR, and is a certified Lifeguard.
ashley mccoy, program instructor
Ashley grew up in Beverly and has a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Conservation and Sustainability from the University of New Hampshire. She comes to us from having just completed two terms of service with Friends of the Middlesex Fells Reservation through TerraCorps, where she led plant hikes and trail stewardship work. Ashley grew up going hiking, kayaking, and spending time outdoors. Today she still enjoys spending time out in nature and is always looking to learn more about the world around her. When not outdoors, she likes to knit, read, and play music. She loves working with Kestrel students and watching them build their own connections with the natural world.
Emily scollo,program instructor
Emily recently completed her M.Ed in Curriculum and Instruction, and holds her Bachelors in Education, Linguistics and Outdoor Education. Prior to joining the Kestrel team, Emily has been a classroom teacher and spent her summers leading backpacking and canoeing trips throughout New England. Originally from New York, Emily grew up on a small self-sustaining farm where she spent every waking moment outside. Her favorite things about the outdoors are the animals we encounter and the chance to explore new areas that might be right in our backyards! When not working, you can find Emily working in her flower gardens, making bouquets, or on an adventure in the mountains with her family.
Emma Kagle, canine staff
Emma helps out at our Woodland Seekers Camp and Conservation Club, along with making brief appearances at some of our school and other programs upon request. If you’re having a hard day, she gives out hugs and leans. She loves meeting all people, especially children, and likes pets and shaking hands for treats. She will bring you a toy. When not working at Kestrel, Emma loves swimming and more swimming, cuddling, belly rubs, and retrieving balls and toys,
Megan normandin, summer camp instructor
Megan has an EdD in Humane Education from Antioch University. During the school year, Megan teaches STEM-based English at Fitchburg High School, where she also leads the Outdoor Adventure Club. Megan has always loved the outdoors and grew up romping through the green spaces of central Massachusetts and hiking and backpacking in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Megan’s passion is combining youth work with outdoor adventure. In her free time, Megan volunteers as an outdoor leader, reads and explores to build her naturalist skills, and spends time with her family adventuring in the many beautiful state and national parks in the area.
cate phypers, summer camp instructor
Cate has a B.A. in Environmental Studies from the University of Vermont. She grew up on the Northshore of Massachusetts and spends the majority of her time outdoors where she can be found swimming, hiking, kayaking, skiing and everything in between. During the school year, she works as a paraeducator at Williston Central School in Vermont. Cate came to Kestrel to combine her passions for the environment, education, and being creative outside (including building excellent fairy houses).
curtis sarkin, seasonal program instructor
Curtis has a BA in Writing in Natural History and Cultural Perspectives from UMass Amherst. Before working for Kestrel, he taught hands-on marine science, conducted whale and turtle research, and explored the rainforests and reefs of Central America and Australia. Curtis has been educating the public about local wildlife for over fifteen years and enjoys nothing more than when children ask him challenging and thought-provoking nature questions. He has been flipping over rocks in search of invertebrates since he could first walk, and enjoys fish keeping, fossil collecting, wildlife humor, and science fiction.
mara goldberg, program volunteer
Mara was raised by parents who let her run around in the woods and do science experiments on her own. She has had many adventures and traveled the world from Hong Kong to Papa New Guinea and Australia to Amsterdam. She grew up to be a social worker, with a private practice here in Beverly. Now she volunteers running around in the woods. Mara takes care of our Head Start turtles, and co-instructs many of our after school classes. She appreciates the full circle her life has made from outdoor immersion in childhood to facilitating children’s outdoor experiences and connections with wildlife.
amber espar, program instructor
Amber has worked as an environmental educator and community organizer for over 18 years. She has taught programs for ages preschool through high school with Kestrel, Groundwork Somerville, Mass Audubon, the Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo, and the Cambridge School of Weston. Amber is part of the True Story Theater company, performing improvisation that celebrates human connection and promotes healing of divides. She has worked for Kestrel as an instructor on and off for over ten years, and especially enjoys bringing improvisation and storytelling into our science programs.
Tracy Bowen, Bookkeeper
Tracy is grateful to have grown up in a place and a time where she was free to roam unsupervised in the Great Sippewissett Marsh and play with the animals at neighboring Sacconnesset Farm on Cape Cod. She's a great believer in giving kids time to explore nature, and in Kestrel's mission; she's hopelessly drawn to working in non-profits. Plus, she enjoys an on-going argument with Jessica about whether cats or dogs are better (cats are).
Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors consists of a lively mix of teachers, administrators, parents, field scientists, writers and an accountant!
Our board is highly active and involved in our operations.
Board Members and Affiliations
Anna DiPerna (Landmark School)
Bethany Ericson (Writer/Artist)
Caitlin Featherstone (Essex Elementary School)
Mark Maitland (Maitland Financial Group)
Deirdre Mulligan (Landmark School)