Fee reductions and waivers
Kestrel Educational Adventures is committed to being financially accessible. We set our prices at reasonable rates intentionally so as to keep our programming open to all who wish to join.
As a small non profit organization, we rely on a mix of donations, grant funds, and program income to sustain our operations and pay our expenses.
If our fees are a significant hardship, we are happy to do what we can to help. While we don’t have a dedicated scholarship fund at this time, we will reduce or waive fees as needed, as much as we can.
Thanks to Awesome Rockport Foundation for awarding Kestrel a microgrant to establish a financial aid bank specifically for Survival Rockport Camp!
If you need a fee waiver or reduction, please call email Jessica Kagle at Jessica@Kestreleducation.org and answer the following questions:
Child’s full name
Program seeking to enroll in
Full cost of program
Amount you’re able to pay without undue hardship
Are. you looking simply to defer payment to a later date, or do you need part or all of the fee waived?
In 2 or 3 sentences, please explain why this programming is important to you
In 2 or 3 sentences, please explain why the fee is a hardship for you and how a waiver or partial waiver will help. It is not necessary to list your income amounts - We know that granting waivers by income alone is not always fair, because everyone has different necessary expenses. We just want to know why you want your child or children to attend, and why you need a eaiver
If you have questions, please Jessica to discuss at (617) 290-2258.