UN*Frozen: A winter Survival Journey!
Imagine yourself crouched over a small bundle of dried plant fluff that you collected, striking your fire steel until a spark ignites. The fluff catches, and before you know it, you have made a warm fire! Trusting in ourselves to survive in the cold outdoors can be fun and a wonderful confidence booster. This class will be at one of our favorite locations; Veasey Memorial Park in Groveland. Right along the shore of a beautiful frozen lake, we will get the chance to develop a survival mindset and find a way to make it through the winter!
Overarching themes will be:
- Building community and finding ways to work together
-Building winter survival tools (sleds, snowshoes etc)
-Experimenting with designing warm shelters
-How to build a fire in the winter and snow
-Find and make warm wild teas, and other winter edibles
-How to track animals and learn their lives
- Dates: Wednesdays Feb 8th: Staying Warm; Feb. 15th: Dehydration; March 1: Food and First Aid; March 8: Rescue
- Time: 10-12:30
- Enrollment Cutoffs: Min. 8 Participants to run, Max. 15
- Ages 6-12 (we are flexible)
- Price $80
Location Veasey Memorial Park, 201 Washington St, Groveland MA
- Instructors Clay and TBD