Survival of the........Prepared!
Imagine yourself crouched over a small bundle of dried plant fluff that you collected, striking your fire steel until a spark ignites. The fluff catches, and before you know it, you have made a warm fire! Trusting in ourselves to survive in the outdoors can be fun and a wonderful confidence booster. This 2 hour workshop will cover some basic important wilderness survival skills. Our class will prepare you for real life survival situations such as cold emergencies, hunger and dehydration, conflict avoidance techniques (think making friends, rather than enemies), and of course how to get rescued. We are also open to your input into the direction our class takes. Just email us your interests.
Overarching themes will be:
-Finding the ability to overcome our fears
- Temperature regulation using manmade and natural materials and fire
-Wild edibles
-Learn how we humans can still be dependent on the natural world for survival
- Dates Sundays: Oct. 9th: Finding Food, Nov. 6th: Dehydration & First aid; Dec. 4nd: Cold, Conflicts, and Rescue
- Time: 1:30-3:30
- Enrollment Cutoffs: Min. 8 Participants, Max. 15 for each day
- Ages 10 to infinity!
- Price $12 per Sunday, Advance registration necessary
- Location Tompson Street Reservation (Concord St Access)
- Instructors Clay